The secret behind successful STEAM play

October 09, 2023
Written by Shahzia Vira

Often when I speak to parents and other caregivers during my courses, I always like to ask, What do you believe STEAM play encompasses? How can you make STEAM play successful? How can you engage in STEAM play with your kids?

Pause for a moment and think about these questions. What answers come to mind?

Did one of these responses pop into your head:

  • Set up a science experiment.
  • Offer open-ended activities.
  • Present some STEAM building challenges.
  • Engage in some form of activity.

Am I on the right track?

You’re not alone; approximately 99% of my students provide similar answers!

When many hear the term “STEAM play,” ideas of activities, experiments, or hands-on projects immediately spring to mind.

While these activities undoubtedly form a crucial part of STEAM play, there’s much MORE to it than meets the eye. It encompasses a mindset, an environment, the role of materials and adults, and various other factors that can support the growth, learning, and development of our little learners in a supportive, nurturing, and sustainable manner.

This “MORE” is, in fact, a robust STEAM play foundation.

Without a solid STEAM play foundation, the fantastic, elaborate STEAM activities you set up might just end up being, as Joey from Friends would say, “a MOO point” – interesting and time-consuming but ultimately missing the mark, the essence of STEAM play (and yes, I’m also a Friends fan 😄).

Without it, a simple STEAM activity remains just that – another activity you engage in at home.

The purpose of STEAM play is to nurture creative thinkers, problem solvers, and out-of-the-box creators. The goal is to foster curiosity, fuel creativity, encourage questions, inquiries, experiments, and exploration. While activities can certainly achieve these goals, laying the groundwork before the activities ensures both a supportive environment for your child and reduces stress for both you and your little learner. It makes STEAM play smoother, more natural, and a way of learning, rather than an additional task.

Why is setting the FOUNDATION the first step to successful STEAM PLAY (and not activities):

Sustainability for Families: Picture STEAM play as a life long learning journey. A strong foundation ensures that this journey is not just thrilling but sustainable for the long haul. When your home, habits and mindset are set up the right way, it makes STEAM play happen more often, independently and naturally. It’s an investment in your child’s growth and development that that occurs on a daily basis.

Supportive Learning: The right foundation is like a supportive safety net for both kids and adults. It nurtures learning and strengthens your family bond. You’re not just guiding your child; you’re learning and growing together in the most remarkable way.

Parenting Pressure Relief: Parenting can be overwhelming at times. Setting up activities from scratch each time can add unnecessary stress to your plate. With the foundations in place, you can breathe easier, as STEAM play can happen independently and activities can be done when you and your little ones are up for it. 

Simple Is Better: Complexity isn’t always the key to learning. Sometimes, it’s the simplicity of starting with the right materials and creating the perfect environment that kickstarts the magic of STEAM play. It’s about making learning accessible, enjoyable, and achievable.

Supportive Growth: Rather then jumping all into complicated activies, setting the foundation encourages both you and your child to step out of your comfort zones BUT through baby steps.  It’s about making small changes to what you already do, leading to long-term and exceptional results. It’s about growth, not just in knowledge but in confidence too.

Integrated Parenting Style: Imagine STEAM play seamlessly becoming a part of your parenting style. It’s not just another task to check off; it’s an integrated way of engaging with your child’s learning and development.

Think of the foundations as the essentials and the fun activities as the extras. You can always go for the extras, but at some point, you’re going to need the essentials, so why not start there? 😉

Ready to Set the Foundations for Successful STEAM Play?
Come Join Our Creative Learning and STEAM Play Course “Let the Fun Begin”!

By enrolling in our course, you’ll uncover the secrets of building a robust STEAM play foundation. It’s about setting your little one up for success through the materials you present, the environment you create, conversations you have, the simple activities you do, and the mindset you build.

This course is designed with the parents of 3-8-year-olds in mind, providing guidance and simple yet impactful steps to make it easy for you to explore creative learning and STEAM play at home.

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Hi, I'm Shahzia

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